Luxury Amino Soap "KISEKI"

Gentle to your skin, gentle to the Earth.A new miracle from Japan. Amino soap "Kiseki" .Have you ever seen this kind of facial cleansing soap? With this miraculous super transparent soap, it moisturizes your skin as you wash.

The three secrets of "Kiseki"

(1) Kiseki is not "a soap that contains amino acids", but "a soap made of amino acids".Usually, soap is made of "soap bodies" but Kiseki has a type of amino acid, "cocoyl glutamine acid TEA" (extracted from sugarcane, corn and cassava) as its base. Therefore, we do not consider Kiseki to be a soap, but a unique type of facial cleansing gel. Because it is made of the same amino acids that our own bodies are made of, it is very gentle to our skin.

Cocoyl glutamine acid TEA lathers up well and is an excellent cleaning agent. Also, mildly acidic like our own skin, it has a high affinity to our skin. After use, it will leave your skin feeling extremely smooth.

(2) After washing it off, it is decomposed by microorganisms which will eventually break it down to water and carbon dioxide. Not only is it gentle to your skin, but it is gentle to the Earth as well.

(3) Kiseki has a unique appearance. Shimmering gold while c0mpletely transparent.

The base of Kiseki, cocoyl glutamine acid TEA is in a gel form. Normally, it would degrade and would not be capable of keeping the solid soap like form.Through our own patented method, taking three months to dry the material, we have created Kiseki. Japanese craftsmen, using a method called "wakuneri", polish each and every piece in order to give it this appearance and texture.

Compared to regular soap, the texture when you touch it is completely different. Compared to other soaps, this soap has an elastic feel, and the high density, quality of texture, high concentration of active ingredients can all be felt the moment you take it in your hand.

How does it moisturize as you wash? So gentle, you can't over wash.
Most skin conditions are said to caused by dryness. If you wash too much with regular soaps, not only will you remove dirt, but you will end up removing the moisture that you need as well.

The amino acids of Kiseki are the same building blocks that form the human body. While retaining moisture through the effects of the amino acids, Kiseki can also cleans your skin.

Bacteria always resides on our skin. The term "bacteria" may not sound attractive, but there are some bacteria that are required to keep our skin healthy.

Beneficial bacteria are required to perform the following functions in order to retain healthy skin:

・Keep the skin mildly acidic and help retain resistance

・Create moisture and fatty acids, making a natural cream which becomes a moisture barrier

・Avoid inflammation caused by the bad bacteria

・Prepare the skin for its turn over cycle (it is said that it takes approximately 28 days for new skin cells to be created. If there is a lack of beneficial bacteria, the proper turn over cycle cannot be retained)

However, if you over wash, not only will you cleans your skin, but also wash away these beneficial bacteria.Kiseki, made of amino acids, is extremely close to the mild acidity of the human skin and will only wash away the unnecessary soils. As a result, the beneficial resident bacteria are activated and healthy skin is retained.

Collagen and hyaluronic acid, which are said to be beneficial for your skin are also made of amino acids. The collagen blended into Kiseki, marine collagen peptide, is extracted from cod. Unlike collagen extracted from mammals and plants, it is said to be the same type of collagen that is in humans.

Product Name: Clear Amino Soap KISEKI

Content Weight: 110g

Method of Payment: Bank Transfer

Ingredients: Cocoyl Glutamine Acid TEA, Water, Glycerin, Urea, Myristyl Alcohol, Ergothioneine, Hydrolized Hyaluronic Acid, Hydolized Collagen, Phosphoric Acid Ascorbyl Mg, Glycyrrhizinate, Isopropanol, Etidronic Acid, BHT

※No disinfectants, preservatives, metallic ion preservatives, perfumes, dyes or mineral oils have been used in this product.

Contact Person:Che Hazani


Phone Number:+81-90-9328-8549


If you are interested to be product dealer or personal product user please contact directly via email or phone for detail info of the product.

Tuesday 4 May 2010

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